5 reasons to use lenses that protect against blue light
There is ongoing intense debate on the beneficial and harmful effects of blue light. On the one hand, blue light can represent a useful instrument to regulate the circadian rhythm. On the other hand, it can be harmful to the human eye. What are its characteristics? What has changed in the artificial light to which we are exposed every day? And how and when should we protect ourselves from the potentially harmful effects of blue light? Below are listed 5 key points to take into consideration regarding blue light:
Physical Characteristics
The blue component of light between 380 and 500 nm is also known as high-energy visible light (HEV). The blue-violet wavelengths between 380 and 440 nm in particular are considered potentially damaging and are believed to be a possible cause of photo-retinitis, in other words, the damaging of the retina caused by the effects of high-energy incident light.
Damaging Effects
It reduces the secretion of the hormone melatonin, thereby interfering with the circadian sleep-wake rhythm and causing insomnia and decreases in concentration. Furthermore, some studies still to be confirmed suggest that, in the long term, exposure to blue light for several hours a day can cause maculopathy, degeneration of retinal tissue, cataracts and opacification of the crystalline lens.
Over-exposure to screens and led lights
In today’s world, we are surrounded by smartphones, LED light bulbs, televisions, computer monitors, e-readers and tablets, which have wavelengths that fall within the potentially damaging range. More and more devices make use of blue light, so it is our duty to take effective precautions against this trend, as exposure to high quantities of blue light is one of the causes of digital eyestrain, the eye fatigue caused by this very factor.
Effective Benefits
With daily use, those who wear glasses with this characteristic and who tend to work in enclosed spaces with digital screens report increased visual comfort and greatly reduced eye fatigue at the end of the day.
Software solutions do not always work
Unlike software solutions, which are only effective on the light emitted by the displays of the various devices and cannot filter the blue light from ambient lighting in offices and homes, the lenses in glasses are made to filter precisely those wavelengths that are harmful to the eyes. In most cases, on the other hand, software can only “simulate” a filter, as it does not know the exact “native” colour temperature of each display.
It is highly advisable to combine treatment of this kind with indoor or degressive lenses.
If you are interested in learning more on this subject, we recommend reading our article about it. our article on the subject.